I did explain that darkness simply means the absence of knowledge and where there no right information to a given matter and whenever these situation is prevalent, then people will certainly perish, people will perish because they will commit blunders, they will make mistake and will so much focus on what they will gain and not on what they will give out.
It is expensive to keep a relationship, relationship is not a game, Should in case you do not know. I want to tell you that relationship is not an avenue to receive but an avenue to give, and you should know that even before embarking on the relationship in the first place . It is sacrificing to keep relationship going and successful,

A relationship could be a close relationship where you get to see the person every day. , you get to talk and discuss with the person every day on a face to face basics,, this affords you the opportunity to get the non-verbal expression of the person, he or she might be serious with you or he or she might not be serious with you, and this things they will communicate non verbally right from the beginning if you are sensitive enough,

I told my neighbour today, that you cannot stay with somebody for two days. A week and then months and then a year without knowing the person secrets lifestyle no matter how much secretive the person is, and no matter how much the person pretend and try to cover up, they will always be signal for you to see and take precaution, but the problem is that most of us are very blind with emotion and infatuation, yes, we are blinded by infatuation and lust that we will not be focus on the main thing.

You started a relationship with someone because you are going to the same direction, what you like and want is what the other person want and like, then you should be focused and concentrate on that mission that brought you two together, otherwise you will be distracted, and when you are distracted, you will stay with the person for years and yet will not discover the person’s secret lifestyle

You entered a relationship with someone because your identity and that of the person is similar or look alike to an extent .like attract like, it is what you like that you attract to yourself. You do not enter into a relationship to lose your identity, it will be dangerous to enter a relationship and lose your identity. Once you lose you identify then you will not notice the person secret lifestyle again, because you have been compromised,

You should rather be yourself, maintain your identity and that is how you will get to know your partner very well and that is also how your partner will get to know you very well. Another kind of relationship is long distance relationship where two of the parties involved are not staying together in the same environment, meaning that communication could be through calls, chart and letters .it is also very good but does not give you the full avenue to monitor the non-verbal expression of your partner, it takes more sensitivity to identity the commitment level of your partner in this type, he or she might be serious or not serious and still be telling the opposite,

A relationship could also be long term relationship or short term relationship, I do not want to force my own opinion of what long term or short term is to you as an Accountant.  but some people are of the opinion that any relationship between a day old to a year is short term relationship , while any relationship above  a year is long already , to others , a relationship above six months is long relationship , to others it takes a relationship that have  lasted for three to five years to be long term relationship

Whatever your view is , there is  a long term relationship and also short term relationship,  but what could make a relationship stay above a year or two without ,marriage ?, maybe instability in source of funds, academic pursuit  or it could be another project necessary to be undertaken to give either parties the time to put him or herself together before marriage, must every relationship leads to marriage, ?yes., your relationship with people should be defined , those who are friends should be friends, those who are aquatances should be, infant any relationship without the intention for marriage should be stated from the very beginning,

And that is the only way to stop this game thing, relationship is not for children, the immature, unstable and the unprepared, you should be prepared for marriage before considering embarking on a relationship knowing that once the proposal comes in, you are off to the other side called marriage without delay, this will reduce your level of heartbreak and emotional trauma,

If you remove te from relate and replace it with y, then you will have relay. Relay is a track event that involve a movement and a journey from one location to another location. It anywhere involve co-operation and unity among those involve to complete the journey and win the price attached to it, along the path, either of those involve in the relay will get tired , feel exhausted and needed rest, but it will take the help and support of the team members to succeed in the relay

The same is applicable in relationship, either of the party at a point might be distracted, troubled, tired, or even exhausted. It is not the time to give up or abandon the person, it is a time to support and get more closer to the person to offer a helping hand to that person so that the journey will continue, you remember it is a journey that Was determined to have  a destination called marriage and until when that destination is reached, you do not give up and even when you reached that destination, you will still not give up, marriage is actually a point in a relationship where the party get to do checkup and prepare for another phase of life.

What does relationship means to you, what do you take relationship for , how are you approaching it, with what mentality are you approaching relationship  with, do you see it just like  a game, you pick someone today and then drop the person tomorrow, maybe the same day  pick another person and then another game begin, you move about a week or  a month then you go back and pick another person in the game and the game continues,  or are you seeing it as a commitment to getting to a predetermined destination in life,?

A destination very much certain and known by all parties involve, or are you deceiving someone promising them what you are also aware that you cannot do, promising them what you are aware you cannot effect., are you planning to drop a friend simply because in the journey he or she is exhausted and need help? You are not patient and cannot wait e for him or her, you are already making arrangement to go pick another person.

You do not have to do that, what about the children who are unstable, immature and unprepared for marriage, you do not have anything to do in relationship or dating whichever one you call it, cut off any affiliation and contact around you moving in that direction, it will really not do you any good, you can enter when you get matured which might be few years from now.


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