not believe it if anybody should come to you and say that except you give your
life to Christ that you will not be successful, or that once you give your life
to Christ everything will automatically start working well for
is a lie from the pit of hell,i believe in miracles but Every successful man or
woman you see on earth has a spirit they report to.there is a secret place
somewhere where they have not only given their life to but have submitted
totally to the rules and regulation emanating from
you forget the prize if you are not willing to pay the price,it is either God
or the devil,and both have the potential to give lasting success.yes they have
what it takes to launch you out.let nobody tell you that it is only God that
does it,they are deceiving you.there are still alternative.and there is no
sitting on the fence.just check yourself because if your are certain that your
own Christianity is simply the Sunday Sunday medicine,then you are already in
the other camp.but
the very end of the two is not the same,find out for yourself the pros and cons
attached with each choice,you have to decide on which camp you want to belong
and do ti very fast otherwise your life will be a very big not say i
did not tell you.i have chosen to be connected to the crazy God and i wont mind
becoming and answering a fool for him,see you in the future.
I did this investigation in response to my very good friend
Opeyemi who question whether everything in life is spiritual, must everything
in life be about God and Satan?, he asked, he was invariably asking if we
cannot separate happenings on earth from God and Satan. I don’t want to inbox
him privately,let us read and learn.
I told him that life is spiritual and everything about life is spiritual. The
man God made is a spiritual being but he is not willing to accept it. Except my
answers is not based on bible references only, I was at work and promised him a
Bro Opeyemi, The current consensus of modern science is that
there is no evidence to support the existence of the spirit and soul when
traditionally the soul is defined as the spiritual breath of the body. In
metaphysics, the concept of "Soul" may be equated with that of
"Mind" in order to refer to the consciousness and intellect of an individual.
In the ancient Egyptian religion, an individual was believed to be made up of
various elements, some physical and some spiritual. Similar ideas are found in
ancient Assyrian and Babylonian religion. Do you know that even Kuttamuwa, an
8th-century BC royal official from Sam'al, ordered an inscribed stele erected
upon his death?
It will interest you to know Opeyemi that The Baha’i Faith
affirms that "the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the
most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however
acute, can ever hope to unravel".Baha’u’llah stated that the soul not only
continues to live after the physical death of the human body, but is, in fact, immortal.
Heaven can be seen partly as the soul's state of nearness to God; and hell as a
state of remoteness from God. Each state follows as a natural consequence of
individual efforts, or the lack thereof, to develop spiritually. Baha’u’llah
taught that individuals have no existence prior to their life here on earth and
the soul's evolution is always towards God and away from the material world.
I searched about the Buddhist, Opeyemi, I was shocked to see
that Buddhism teaches that all things are in a constant state of flux: all is
changing, and no permanent state exists by itself. This applies to human beings
as much as to anything else in the cosmos. Thus, a human being has no permanent
self. According to this doctrine of anatta (Pāli; Sanskrit: anātman) –
"no-self" or "no soul" – the words "I" or
"me" do not refer to any fixed thing. They are simply convenient
terms that allow us to refer to an ever-changing entity.
Thus, the conventional
translation of anatta as "no-soul “can be confusing. But my brother if the
word "soul" simply refers to an incorporeal component in living
things that can continue after death, then Buddhism does not deny the existence
of the soul. Instead, Buddhism denies the existence of a permanent entity that
remains constant behind the changing corporeal and incorporeal components of a
living being. Just as the body changes from moment to moment, so thoughts come
and go, and there is no permanent state underlying the mind that experiences
these thoughts
Various schools of Buddhism have differing ideas about what continues
after death. The Yogacara School in Mahayana Buddhism said there are Store
consciousness which continue to exist after death. In some schools,
particularly Tibetan Buddhism, the view is that there are three minds: very
subtle mind, which does not disintegrate in death; subtle mind, which
disintegrates in death and which is "dreaming mind" or
"unconscious mind"; and gross mind, which does not exist when one is
sleeping. Therefore, gross mind is less permanent than subtle mind, which does
not exist in death. Very subtle mind, however, does continue, and when it
"catches on", or coincides with phenomena, again, a new subtle mind
emerges, with its own personality/assumptions/habits, and that entity
experiences karma in the current continuum.
Most Christians understand the soul as an ontological reality
distinct from, yet integrally connected with, the body. Its characteristics are
described in moral, spiritual, and philosophical terms. Richard Swinburne, a
Christian philosopher of religion at Oxford University, wrote that "it is
a frequent criticism of substance dualism that dualists cannot say what souls
are. Souls are immaterial subjects of mental properties. They have sensations
and thoughts, desires and beliefs, and perform intentional actions. Souls are
essential parts of human beings". According to a common Christian
eschatology, when people die, their souls will be judged by God and determined
to go to Heaven or to Hell.
Other Christians understand the soul as the life, and believe
that the dead are sleeping (Christian conditionalism). This belief is
traditionally accompanied by the belief that the unrighteous soul will cease to
exist instead of suffering eternally (annihilationism). Believers will inherit
eternal life either in Heaven, or in a Kingdom of God on earth, and enjoy
eternal fellowship with God.
Augustine, one of western Christianity's most influential early
Christian thinkers, described the soul as "a special substance, endowed
with reason, adapted to rule the body". Some Christians espouse a
trichotomic view of humans, which characterizes humans as consisting of a body
(soma), soul (psyche), and spirit (pneuma). However, the majority of modern
Bible scholars point out how spirit and soul are used interchangeably in many
biblical passages.The 'origin of the soul' has provided a vexing question in
Christianity. The major theories put forward include soul creationism, traducianism,
and pre-existence. According to creationism, each individual soul is created
directly by God, either at the moment of conception or some later time.
According to traducianism, the soul comes from the parents by natural
generation. According to the preexistence theory, the soul exists before the
moment of conception. There have been differing thoughts regarding whether
human embryos have souls from conception, or there is a point between
conception and birth where the fetus acquires a soul, consciousness, and/or
Ātman is a Sanskrit word that means inner self or soul.In Hindu
philosophy, especially in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, Ātman is the first principle,
the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence
of an individual. In order to attain liberation (moksha), a human being must
acquire self-knowledge (atma jnana), which is to realize that one's true self
(Ātman) is identical with the transcendent self-Brahman. The six orthodox
schools of Hinduism believe that there is Ātman (self, essence) in every being,
a major point of difference with Buddhism, which does not believe that there is
either soul or self.
In Jainism, jiva is the immortal essence or soul of a living
organism (human, animal, fish or plant etc.) which survives physical death.The
concept of Ajiva in Jainism means "not soul", and represents matter
(including body), time, space, non-motion and motion. In Jainism, a Jiva is
either samsari (mundane, caught in cycle of rebirths) or mukta (liberated).The
concept of jiva in Jainism is similar to atman in Hinduism. However, some Hindu
traditions differentiate between the two concepts, with jiva considered as
individual self, while atman as that which is universal unchanging self that is
present in all living beings and everything else as the metaphysical Brahman.
The latter is sometimes referred to as jiva-atman (a soul in a living body).
According to Brahma Kumaris, the soul is an eternal point of light.
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, distinguishes between the
immortal rūḥ (spirit or "soul") and the mortal nafs (psyche).[67] The
immortal rūḥ "drives" the mortal nafs, which comprises temporal
desires and perceptions necessary for living.One of the passages in the Quran
that mention rûh occur in chapters 17 ("The Night Journey") and 39
("The Throngs"):And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the spirit
[rûh]. Say, "The spirit is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind has not
been given of knowledge except a little.— Quran 17:85
Albert Einstein was one of the world’s most brilliant thinkers,
influenced scientific thought immeasurably. He was also not shy about sharing
his wisdom about other topics, writing essays, articles, letters, giving
interviews and speeches. His everyday-life opinions on social and intellectual
issues that do not come from the world of physics give an insight into the
spiritual and moral vision of the scientist, offering much to take to heart.
The collection of essays and ideas “The World As I See It”
gathers Einstein’s thoughts from before 1935, when he was as the preface says
“at the height of his scientific powers but not yet known as the sage of the
atomic age”. In the book, Einstein comes back to the question of the purpose of
life, and what a meaningful life is, on several occasions. In one passage, he
links it to a sense of religiosity. “Science without religion is lame, religion
without science is blind," said Einstein in his 1954 essay on science and religion.
Meaning that even Einstein understood that you cannot separate even science
from spirituality.
Most other scientist and Philosophers later called Einstein’s
spiritual views pantheism, largely influenced by the philosophy of Baruch
Spinoza. Pantheists see God as existing but abstract, equating all of reality
with divinity. They also reject a specific personal God or a god that is
somehow endowed with human attributes.Richard Dawkins a famous atheist calls
Einstein's pantheism a “sexed-up atheism,” but other scholars point to the fact
that Einstein did seem to believe in a supernatural intelligence that’s beyond
the physical world. He referred to it in his writings as “a superior spirit,”
“a superior mind” and a “spirit vastly superior to men”. Einstein was possibly
a deist, although he was quite familiar with various religious teachings,
including a strong knowledge of Jewish religious texts.
Bro Opeyemi, having said this, The soul, in many religious,
philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a
living being. Soul or psyche are the mental abilities of a living being:
reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc.
Depending on the philosophical system, a soul can either be mortal or immortal.
In Judeo-Christianity, only human beings have immortal souls (although
immortality is disputed within Judaism and may have been influenced by Plato).For
example, the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed "soul"
(anima) to all organisms but argued that only human souls are immortal.
Other religions (most notably Hinduism and Jainism) hold that
all living things from the smallest bacterium to the largest of mammals are the
souls themselves (Atman, jiva) and have their physical representative (the
body) in the world. Jain philosophy is the oldest world philosophy that separates
body (matter) from the soul (consciousness) completely. The actual self is the
soul, while the body is only a mechanism to experience the karma of life, Greek
philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, understood that the soul
(ψυχή psūchê) must have a logical faculty, the exercise of which was the most
divine of human actions. At his defense trial, Socrates even summarized his
teaching as nothing other than an exhortation for his fellow Athenians to excel
in matters of the psyche since all bodily goods are dependent on such
excellence (Apology 30a–b).
But the point is that both God and the devil are very much
interested in what happened to the soul, they are very much in a contention on
who should be in charge of the soul. It is all about God and the you
know the greatest form of cowardice? It is that type of cowardice where someone
is actually eating something (Rice) but keeping it secret and personal to
himself. You will pretend as if Rice do not exist whenever such issues come up.
That is what most followers of Satan does every day and I pity them. You are
serving Satan in illuminati kingdom but cannot come openly to accept it. You belong
to Ogboni or another confraternity but cannot come openly to accept it.
We Christians do not do that, I am a Christian, a believer in
Jesus and I am proud of it, I carry it everywhere I go and will not mind any
day rising up to defend it. It is not bad to subject yourself to God or Satan.
It is your choice and your personal opinion, but why must you hid your own as
most demonic worshipers does, You know why, because it is even a shame to
mention and discuss what they do in secret, it is shameful and disgraceful and
they cannot openly admit it for shame, most Philosophers and Atheist including
most demonic worshipers drink blood. Real blood, they commit incestuous act and
very high wickedness which they do not want you to know. They sleep with
children. Men sleeping with men and women sleeping with women, some are
sleeping with animal, in the name of liberty, but is that liberty? No it is
captivity and the highest amount of slavery simple to get money and be a
It is our choice to choose what we want. Like and feel free to share.
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