We have 365 days in a year or probably 366 days in a leap year, by extension it means that you have 8760 hours per year. 525600 minutes in a year, and 31536000 seconds per year, in a day we have 24 hours, 1440 minutes and 86400 seconds per day.

But have you bothered to find out what people do and achieve with the time assigned to them. What do you do with your time every day? To make it personal and very self-centered. Ask yourself. What did I even achieved yesterday with the twenty four hours I had to work and get something significant out, what was I able to achieve? Or do you go about your life each day feeling as if nothing actually happened

People assess life by the number of hours and minute left for them to live on earth. Do not worry they will say, I still have tomorrow to come back. I still have next year to correct this error or mistake, I still have next week to finish this job, and I still have and I still have is all they say. This will make them to leave off accomplishing today’s task for tomorrow.

It is wrong. You should access life by the number of hours and minutes you already wasted, so like a paly I just exhausted the twenty hours assigned to me today, so I simply just entered another year, I am not getting younger but older, what have I even achieved out from life?. What was I able to achieve yesterday? what was I able to achieve this year, do I have things I wanted to do that I was not able to do?, do I have things I desired to have done but was not able to get it done, what actually occurred that made me unable to actualize this?

But this question is not ask and like yesterday, today again is gone , you have another duty, another assignment and responsibility postponed and transferred to tomorrow and next year, what if the future never come at all?, have you wondered what will happen if you should sleep without waking up again.? Then that is the end of everything.

Therefore it is important and become imperative that you assess life from the point of view of what someone else was able to achieve with the same time assigned to you and him, you and that your friend, that your neighbour is being regulated by the same time and yet he achieves more than you, what happened?. Meaning that it will help you if you can assess life by the number of things someone else would have achieved if given the time you had.

Some people see time as an assets. To others it is a liability, whichever one time means to you will depend on what you are doing with time or what you have achieved with the time assigned to you. For me, time is an asset and it is one assets man does not have control over it functionality. You cannot control time, you cannot decide how time function or operate,

The way time function or operate does not function separately with individuals. It is the same time that regulate people across board. Be it as it may be, you cannot pause the time nor influence the way it operate, you do not give instruction to time because the language time understand is motion , moving per second, minutes and hours

Each movement the time makes a move. it is  a reminder to you, that you are getting old, it is a reminder and  a call to personally assessment of what you have achieved with time so far, what have you done ?, what have you achieved today?, are you satisfied with your performance or are you not with your performance ?

Can you beat your chest right away and say, I think I am satisfied with my performance today. I have done well and need to sleep. within my power and to the very best of my ability, I have put in the best of my effort and hard work .you are satisfied and justified to eat food relaxed knowing that , this day did not just pass away like every other day. I need to rest to have the strength to continue the next day, or do you go to sleep each day with responsibility of the day carried forward to the next day

Does it sound strange for you to hear that people carried forward the activities and responsibility of the day to the next day, most people do it willingly and deliberately while to others it is not a deliberate action to have the work unfinished and transferred to the next day, they are putting it off on that day it has to achieved believing and keeping it up till the next day to have it achieved,

It does not matter what you are doing and how you are doing it. it could be in your own activities or business, may be at home, washing that cloth cooking that food, ironing that cloth, going to visit someone, cleaning the environment and washing the dishes, or what have you at home to do?, you could choose to have done it if you insist on doing it and not letting it move to the next day, you could also chose to move it to the next day afteralll tomorrow is another day.

Where you succeed in moving or transferring it to another day, you have procrastinated. You have just chosen the lazy man’s Apology, to have a task or an assignment which need to be executed that day moved to another day,
Who is even sure that you will do it the next day? You are not even sure of achieving it but all you are after is having it moved, forgetting that the next day is simply like few hours ahead and will still meet you unprepared and not ready to attend to this task.

There is one mentality people have before procrastinating an action or chosen to transfer an action to the next day, there believe is that it is too much and it is not possible to have it done that same day again therefore the best option will be to have it transferred to another day where there will have another opportunity to start it afresh.
But when you want to assess the activities involved. You will discover that you are just simply moving over to another day an action that could have been achieved with a little more patients, commitment and hard work but someone is willing to have it moved to another day, it show a lack of persistency and commitment , it shows your level of patience and hard work to project.
What contribution do you make in an organization, in your working place, should we come to ask or inquire on the kind of person you are , what do you expect them to say about you and your disposure to actualizing project when handed to you, that your environment. I believe that a couple of project and assignment would have been executed around you and it was necessary to have you involved in the project.

It was necessary that you should be part of the project and make valuable contribution, be it physical or financial, or professional advisory services to see that the project is achieved, what are they going to say about you and your contribution. that you are always wonderful working with , you cannot abandoned a project nor leave it half way without ensuring it is achieved, or will that say that you are lazy and does not like to work, you will always have one reason or another to have a project shifted and delay it execution.

what impact does your presence makes in your environment, does your presence in an organization when certain decision are being taken or when a particular project is being executed encourage people to work hard and get project executed or does it demoralize them, does it discourage them and make them to leave the project because there is an advice to have discontinued the project and start it the next day.

Procrastination is a sickness just like malaria and fever, it has a lot of disappointing consequences, project are delayed, and expectation are not meet. Standard are not achieved while greater resources is being committed to a project. Yes, procrastination delay and increases the cost of executing a project or do you not know the time value of money, yes, the time value of money says that a dollar today is much more valuable than dollar tomorrow .it is much more better to have an assignment executed today and get the benefit therein rather than having it postponed.
Therefore the next time, you have the urge or temptation to have a project suspended or delayed to another day, do reject it. Do not accept it, do everything within your powers to have that project accomplished instead of postponing it.


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