I did explain that darkness simply means the absence of knowledge and where there no right information to a given matter and whenever these situation is prevalent, then people will certainly perish, people will perish because they will commit blunders, they will make mistake and will so much focus on what they will gain and not on what they will give out. It is expensive to keep a relationship, relationship is not a game, Should in case you do not know. I want to tell you that relationship is not an avenue to receive but an avenue to give, and you should know that even before embarking on the relationship in the first place . It is sacrificing to keep relationship going and successful, A relationship could be a close relationship where you get to see the person every day. , you get to talk and discuss with the person every day on a face to face basics,, this affords you the opportunity to get the non-verbal expression of the person, he or she might be serious with you or...