The man God created has an identity and a lot so distinguishing and different from another animal. You need not to look far to see the difference because it was clear and the other creatures could not but bow and surrender to the man, but as a result of the fall of man. The human element in man took over man since that fall at the Garden of Eden. The man who was supposed to be so attached to his spirit and responded more to the spirit was now dragged into flesh and the search of identity.

He had an identity but that identity could only be traced to God and only on God, but they have sin against God and he send them out of the garden which signifies a movement out of his presence, the man is now being control by the flesh and the outcome of the flesh controlling a man is unimaginable. A lot of things came up and took over the man.

The natural man in flesh is prone to pride and arrogance. There is that feeling of being something and not wanting to be ignored or not wanting to be under the control and influence of anybody, even the God put everything under the control of man in the garden, infant the only thing that was greater than the man was God alone and only himself.

He gave man some attributes and characters which only him exercises and left man to manage the earth, man exercised authority but was reporting to God and accountable to God on how he manages and take care of the things under him, being accountable to God made man responsible and restrained to an extent, he knows that someone was watching him and monitoring everything he was doing and infant he owe God an explanation any day and any time

I believe the devil observed these things and felt that the man was not happy and comfortable reporting to God, he came and offered the man what he told the man was freedom from Gods control and monitoring, he told man that there was something that could make him have knowledge and understanding. He could become like God, knowing both good and evil.

And being like God would mean autonomous and freedom to act as he wishes without being under the control of anybody that was the understanding and what the devil made the man and the woman to see and believe. Taking themselves off the control of God and becoming independent of anything and anyone. Instead of having to depend on God for everything and having to receive instruction and direction from God

The devil-initiated rebellion and disobedience by asking the woman to pick the fruit and eat it. She accepted it and pick the fruit and eat it and the woman accepted the reign of the devil over her. She was not comfortable submitting to God but ended up surrendering herself to a more difficult task master as a slave, what she thought was freedom and liberty was actually nothing more than a trap, she did not just eat alone. She kept it till her husband came back and she gave it to him with the same promise and explanation.

She told him. We are going to become like God, we are going to be wise and know everything, both good and evil, and the greatest news is that we are free from this God, we are not in his bondage anymore, we are God unto ourselves, and we are going to do whatever we desire and wish to do, we regulate ourselves and are the ones to dictate what we should do,
Could this be true the husband would have asked? What more do they want? What more could give them happiness and satisfaction, infant this is where satisfaction comes in to the fullest, it is too good to be true, and Adam accepted the fruit and eat it and also consented to the decision to be free from God and eventually they have lost the relationship. They have lost that fellowship and communication with God, that evening communication and koinonia that exist every evening with God was gone.

What else would you have done if you were to be God? Still continuing a relationship with people who do not believe you? Who cannot trust you enough to lead them? A people who have rejected your reign over them and have chosen unto themselves another person? It means they have no value for you, they thought they had another alternative or a better alternative outside God

Some times that is how we feel, we feel like disobeying God will make us free from him and free from any man, sometimes we think that there are still alternatives outside God, we feel like life does not reside and revolve around God after all, why subject ourselves to his reign and control, outside him, we believe there are still much and very many things we can do.

But let it shock you to hear that you are not free from God even when you are disconnected in relationship with him, you might not be praying to him every morning and evening. You may not be reading his word every day and communicating with him in fellowship, he may not be speaking those soft words to guide and direct you, but absence of these does not mean you are free from him or can exist independent of him.

He is the creator of heaven and earth, he is the maker, it is like a software developer who understands and knows the coding system he used in his configuration, he knew what he did, and how everything was joined together, yes, he is like a builder who erected the structure and can accurately state how many blocks he has erected so far, the quantity of cement that was used, and what is needed to complete the project, therefore existing outside God is impossible and simply a migration into slavery for the devil.

Therefore, we are wrong to think like we do not need him, life evolve and revolve around God, life originate with God, moves with God and also end in God, infant God is life. He is now and he is eternity, disobeying him does not make us free from him at all, it does not exonerate us from his laws and principles. He is the one who created the heavens and the earth, he sets in the laws and the principles governing the earth, yes, they are rules, they are standard, they are principles and laws governing and regulating the activities on earth, therefore as long as we are on earth. We are being regulated by this principle. Which was set into motion by God

Infant it is even better to be on the side of God than being against him, it makes the work more difficult. Because consciously and unconsciously, we will be doing things that is against the laws he has set and we will be receiving the punishment for our action whether we know about the law or not. Whoever that break the edge, the serpent will bite him.

Therefore the price to pay is to resist pride and arrogance against God, loyalty to the core. Even God hates pride and arrogance. He has put in a law that said that the proud would be brought down while the humble will be lifted up. Therefore, whether you are working with him or not, the law is operating even in your domain and you are not exempted from it. This is therefore a call to humility.
You cannot trust God if you are not humble, you cannot cast your care on God if you are not humble. And you will be so full of your own self that you will be failing. You will trust so much in your own understanding, you will trust so much on the prediction and counselling of men and neglect God whose counsel is final. And the end product is failure.

Therefore, when you are appearing before God and in your relationship with God, you have to forget everything about who you are. What you are, your qualification and whatever you have achieved in the past, it does not matter and does not count when God is involve. You will also have to forget about the people you know and the people who have sent you or have recommended you because it does not count.

All that will count is how willing and ready are you to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, Gods hand is mighty and to underestimate it is to put yourself in very difficult situation. Which you will regret tomorrow and in the future, it is good to trust in Jesus and just to trust him at his word, to be willing to let go off every other thing and stick with him.

That is where faith comes in, it takes a great sacrifice to have faith in God and there has never been anyone who trusted in him that was disappointed at all, faith is defined as the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, and through it has the elders received a good report, and without faith it is impossible to please God, and him that should come to God must believe that he is, and he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.


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