God in all that you want to do is something we should do within the confide of
koinonia and daily interaction with him. through fellowship we have built
intimacy with him and no more strangers to the commonwealth of heaven, we are
not afraid to come close to him but have understood that we are joint heirs and
co-heirs with Christ of the heavenly resources and glory,Christ himself
is not ashamed to call us brethren therefore whenever we are approaching the
throne of grace in prayer, we will go boldly knowing that he has blotted out
the long-standing accusation, writing ordinances and offences made against us
by the devil and we are now justified by grace through faith that is built on
the atonement work of Christ at Calvary.
But the
understanding of this things does not and will still not make the devil to
leave you and stop tempting you, no, he will not stop bringing opposition and
difficulties to you, but one confidence we have in him is that as he is in
heaven so also are we on earth, we are more than conquerors through him that
loved us and nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus,
not even difficulties and opposition,The opposition
and the challenges are called stilled waters, they make you slow in movement or
per say, they reduce your movement and slow down your acceleration in the
journey of life. But the psalmist said in stanza 23 “that the lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie
down in green pastures, he leads me beside the still waters,” he is not
going to lack anything because the lord was with him and the lord will feed him
and he will not go a hungry and begging for food. Infant it is in the green
pasture that the lord will make him to lie down, the green pasture signifies
abundance and availability, plenteous provision.
A verse still in
stanza 23 has it that “he preserverth my
soul, even though I work through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall
fear no evil for thou are with me, thy rod and thy staff that comfortest me,
thy prepareth a table for me in the presence of my enemies, thy anointed my
head with oil, my cup runeth over,”The possibility
of walking through the valley of the shadow of death is there and he is making
you to be aware of it with a promise that he will be with you, therefore you
should not fear, he will preserve your soul, preservation entails keeping it
safe from ruin and spoilage, yes the lord will keep you from anything that will
want to ruin you or spoil you at all. This will ensure that you are not
distracted in the journey, you are simply focused,God knows the
future and he knows his will and plan for your life. Who else knows the path of
life like God himself? The way of life is filled with ups and downs. It is
filled with challenges and it is not an easy route. There is no certainty about
anything including life. Nobody is certain about sleeping and waking up the
next day, and there are issues and circumstances that arises on daily basics
that we may not trace nor follow up at all because we did not know how it
What best could
have been the advice except that you should acknowledge God in all your ways,
in all your action and association, he is able to guide you to the end, but you
leaning on your own understanding will make you to avoid God and feel like you
can do it alone and independent of him whereas that is the only trap the devil
has set for you. Yes, it is a trap from the devil for you to avoid God and act
independent of him. And in so doing you have exposed yourself to the attack of
the devil and he will come and mess up things for you.Your marriage is
essential and you need to acknowledge God in it from the very basic foundation
of choice making, pray your way through and let God guide you in the area of
choice making and selecting a life partner, it is as important as that to avoid
failure, there is no amount of preparation and researching in marriage that
will make your marriage successful without God, let the holy spirit guide you
as you make that all important decision.
There are
decision area in our life that whatever choice we make determines whether or
not we will move forward or be limited. Marriage is part of them, your choice
of a marriage partner to a great extent will determine whether or not you will
live long or die early. It will also determine if you will succeed in your God
giving assignment or not. Marriage is very necessary for man and woman but not
compulsory, it is a life sentence for yourself and you should choose wisely who
you want to spent the rest of your life with. Yes, chose your prison mate
carefully.Ministry is one
of those area where the devil awaits every man that has the calling of God upon
his or her life, as you embark on your ministry, someone is the owner of the
work and please allow him to dictate how it will be done. It is a pity when I
see some minister saying my ministry as if there were the one that called
themselves, it is the work of the holy ghost, or have you forgotten what the
spirit himself said concerning Paul and Banabas,” it is written that the holy spirit said that you should separate for
me Paul and banabas for the work which I have called them”.
The separation
is for himself and for his own glory at all. The work belongs to him and
entirely his own. The instrument belongs to him and are entirely his own,
therefore you are not to lean on your own understanding or intelligent. Otherwise
he will not lead you, your educational qualification and experience will also
not be useful at all. It is completely a spiritual matter and an affair of
those in the spirit, therefore you will depend on God for its success.There is one trait
God desires in every man that want him to lead him, that character trait is meekness,
meekness comprises of two things, humility and teach ability, you must be
willing and ready to surrender yourself totally and forget whatever that you
have hold so dearly before. You should be open to new information, you should
be like sheep otherwise it will be difficult even it might be an impossible
task to lead you successfully.
Ministry is good
business and for everybody, everybody has a ministry, you have a ministry and I
have my own ministry as given to me by God, our target should be to fulfill our
ministry, Paul advised Timothy to make full prove of his own ministry and do
the work of an evangelist. Little wonder how and why Paul could fully say I
fought a good fight and I have won the race and now it is laid up for me to
receive the crown which the righteous God will give to me.The Apostle Paul
could say this because he was in a relationship with God, he allowed God to
lead him. Everything he did was through Christ who strengthened him. The spirit
was his backbone and he attributed all the success he recorded to God. He
fought a good fight and won the race because he was in fellowship. He was also
in this response speaking of the assurance of receiving a crown of life because
he was led by God all through to the end.
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