Acknowledging God in all that you want to do is something we should do within the confide of koinonia and daily interaction with him. through fellowship we have built intimacy with him and no more strangers to the commonwealth of heaven, we are not afraid to come close to him but have understood that we are joint heirs and co-heirs with Christ of the heavenly resources and glory, Christ himself is not ashamed to call us brethren therefore whenever we are approaching the throne of grace in prayer, we will go boldly knowing that he has blotted out the long-standing accusation, writing ordinances and offences made against us by the devil and we are now justified by grace through faith that is built on the atonement work of Christ at Calvary. But the understanding of this things does not and will still not make the devil to leave you and stop tempting you, no, he will not stop bringing opposition and difficulties to you, but one confidence we have in him is that as he is in he...